3 Things Parents Can Do To Keep The Rental Car Clean While On Vacation

Posted on: 23 February 2015
If you're taking the family on a vacation, you'll probably rent a car to get you around. Parents are often surprised at how expensive it can be to rent a car. In fact, sometimes the rental car costs more than lodging or airfare. It's very important that you keep the rental car clean so you can keep the costs down. As a parent of young children, you know that it can be very hard to keep the inside of a vehicle clean, especially when on vacation.
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More Than Meets The Eye: What It Takes To Convert A Semi Truck Into A Transforming Robot

Posted on: 10 February 2015
Semi trucks are often featured in monster truck shows and rallies because they can take a beating and keep on crashing through other vehicles. The headliner, or star, of these shows is often a large truck that annihilates the other vehicles in the ring. If you have ever been to a monster truck rally that features a transforming semi-into-a-robot, you may have wondered how someone was able to turn the popular 80's toy into the real thing.
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Great Tips When Restoring Your Older Car

Posted on: 5 February 2015
If you have an older car, you want it to look great and perform well on the street. Both of these things are attainable thanks to these steps.  Take Car to an Auto Service Shop In order to make sure all of the parts are working correctly on your older car, you can take it to an auto service shop (such as Slipstream Autocare). These service shops offer many things in terms of car maintenance.
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Gimme A "Brake": 5 Facts About The Pads On Your Car

Posted on: 29 January 2015
Every time you bring your car to a stop, you call on technology that has actually been around for more than a century. Here's a look at five facts about automotive brake pads--those miracles of stopping power that you may take for granted. 1. Who Invented Disc Brakes? A basic version of the disc brake that is used on automobiles today has been around since the late 19th Century. Englishman Frederick William Lanchester received a patent for the disc brake in 1903.
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